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#1221 Ichthus Medallion Necklace
#1204 Cross Medallion Necklace
#1232 Fire of The Holy Spirit Medallion
#1220 Ichthus Medallion
#1238 Dove Medallion Necklace
#1203 Cross Medallion Necklace
#1231 Fire of The Holy Spirit Medallion
#1219 Ichthus Medallion Necklace
#1202 Cross Medallion Necklace
#1201 Cross Medallion Necklace
#1229 Fire of The Holy Spirit Medallion
#1218 Ichthus Medallion Necklace
#1236 Dove Medallion Necklace
#1200 Cross Medallion Necklace
#1229 Fire of the Holy Spirit Medallion
#1217 Ichthus Cross Medallion
#1235 Oval Dove Medallion Necklace
#1228 Fire of Holy Spirit Medallion Necklace
#1216 Small Ichthus Medallion Necklace
#1234 Oval Dove Medallion Necklace
#1211 Indian Medallion Necklace
#1210 Indian Medallion Necklace
#1209 Indian Medallion Necklace
#1208 Indian Medallion Necklace
#1207 Indian Medallion Necklace
#1206 Indian Head Medallion
#1205 Indian Medallion Necklace
#1204 Indian Head Medallion Necklace
#1203 Paw Print Medallion Necklace
#1202 Paw Print Medallion Necklace
#1201 Bulldog Medallion Necklace
#1200 Tree of Life Medallion Necklace
#1199 Cross Medallion Necklace
#1227 Fire of the Holy Spirit Medallion Necklace
#1215 Oval Christian Icthus Medallion Necklace
#1208 Dove Medallion Necklace
#1198 Cross Medallion Necklace
Hawaii State Santa
#1592 Vintage Nouveau Cross
#1591 Vintage Strawberry
#1590 Vintage Sapphire Aura
#1589 Vintage Cameo Ladies
#1580 Large Red Clover Earrings
#1579 Large Irish Clover Earrings
#1578 Small Red Clover Earrings
#1577 Small Irish Clover Earrings
#1576 Swinging High Earrings
#1575 Flying High Earrings